Discount Freight Shipping - the ROI Score Card

DSi believes you should be able to see a tangible return on your investments. We have developed a comprehensive program to quantify freight rates savings in a number of categories that demonstrates the hard dollar payback you receive for every dollar you spend with DSi.  The components of our "ROI Scorecard" are as follows:

Freight Rates Savings Categories:


Freight Rates Savings:

These are ongoing line haul (base transportation charge after discount) savings resulting from pricing contracts negotiated by DSi. We record historical benchmark pricing levels from the assessment phase and calculate shipment by shipment savings against these benchmarks.


Freight Bill Audit Savings:

These are ongoing savings generated by our rigid 100% audit process that insures you pay no more than the negotiated contract price for freight, fuel and any accessorial charges.


Fuel Surcharge Avoidance:

Fuel charges are calculated as a percentage of your line haul charge. Fuel surcharge savings are calculated by multiplying the applicable Fuel Surcharge percentage for the report period by the amount of line haul cost reduction achieved for the report period. 


GRI Increase Avoidance:

Carriers take annual or in some case semi-annual base freight rates increases known as a General Rate Increase (GRI). Through contract negotiations, we help avoid these increases and report on the associated savings.  

To see a real-life example of such a scorecard,
Click On Image Below

ROI scorecard